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Fabulous BBQ Side Dishes

Delicious and nutritious side dishes for the bbq season.

It is spring. We just lost our winter fat, or we are still trying to. The BBQ gets uncovered, cleaned and ready to use.  We marinate our meat, fish and get it ready for the BBQ. It’s always good to have something in the freezer incase friends or neighbors’ stop by. This scenario happens all the time in the summer; someone stops by for a drink and next thing you know they are staying for dinner. 

It can be difficult and stressful to decide what to prepare on the fly. Luckily, we have your survival guide.

First things first, go to the fridge and see what you have…….salad – BORING. Why not amp up your side dishes and be the hostess with the mostess.

Bean salad:

We all have random cans of stuff in our cupboards. It has been there all winter waiting to be used, well now is their chance.  All you need is 2 or 3 cans of mixed beans, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, chick peas, corn, or any other kind of beans.

  • Open the cans of beans, rinse, place in a large bowl and set aside
  • Go to the fridge, do you have anything in your crisper? Do you have onion, peppers, cucumber, radishes, tomato, celery, anything else that you like, pick 2 or 3.
  • Cut the vegetables into small pieces and add to the beans.
  • If you like, you can even add a can of mandarin orange or pineapple if that caters to your taste buds.
  • Throw it all together in the bowl and mix with a large spoon.
  • Season to taste. What is your flavour…garlic? When adding seasoning always add a little olive oil first, about 2 table spoons.  Then add your favourite seasoning. If you like add salt, pepper, red wine vinaigrette, or even chilli pepper to spice it up a little. 
  • Put a tablespoon of each preferred seasoning option you choose,  stir and serve.

Roasted Vegetables:

Take whatever you have in your crisper….peppers, onions, zucchini, rutabaga, mushrooms, and broccoli – anything.

  • Cut long ways and place on a BBQ grilling sheet ( great investment for the summer BBQ season)
  • In a small bowl put ¼ cup olive oil, 2 minced garlic gloves and Italian seasoning.
  • With a brush, sweep on seasoning on both sides of vegetables.
  • Place on BBQ for approximately 5 minutes a side, until they are a little bit crispy around the edges.

Quinoa Salad:

This is the easiest and healthiest salad ever.

  • Make 4 cups of quinoa, place in fridge to cool.
  • Add ½ cucumber chopped, 1 chopped onion, and 2 table spoons of Italian seasoning (you can also add celery or your favorite bean, or carrots. This is the great thing about Quinoa you can just add anything to it and it will take on the flavor).
  • Add everything together and serve (sprinkle a little paragon cheese if you like.)


Rutabaga Fries:

An extremely healthy and delicious take on regular potato fries.

  • Pre heat oven to 400 degrees
  • Take 2 medium sized rutabaga, peel and cut into length wise, fry like shapes.
  • Place into large mixing bowl
  • Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds (optional) and 2 garlic cloves. Mix with large wooden spoon.
  • Place on greased cookie sheet and cook for 15 minutes a side.


Sweet Potato Fries:

  • Pre heat oven to 400 degrees
  • Boil 4 medium sized sweet potatoes for 20 minutes, until they are slightly soft.
  • Cut each potato long ways in half then into 3rd’s so you will have 6 wedges for each potato.
  • On a greased cookie sheet place the wedges skin side down, so they look like little boats.
  • In a small bowl add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon of chili garlic sauce.
  • Mix and then brush a small amount on the top side of each wedge.
  • Cook for 30 minutes, take out let them sit for a minute and serve.
  • Goes great with steak or fish.