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Just How Bad Is Sitting Though?

There are ways to change your sitting habits. You might argue that you can't change your set up and work habits, but if you take it seriously enough (which you should), you'll find ways.

Sitting all day causes;

  • increased risk of cancer (even if you’re physically active outside of work)
  • increased risk of heart disease
  • increased risk of obesity (seems like a no-brainer)
  • increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • increased musculoskeletal issues (we see this all of the time; think tight hip flexors, sore upper back and neck…)
  • higher rates of depression

Luckily, there are ways to change your sitting habits. You might argue that you can’t change your set up and work habits, but if you take it seriously enough (which you should), you’ll find ways.

Here are some examples:

  • Get a Sit-to-Stand desk (like the Varidesk)
  • During meetings, go for walks instead of sitting in a conference room (this will also stimulate your brain and help you come up with better ideas)
  • Set a timer at your desk for 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Every time it goes off, get up and move around; take a postural break.
  • Do the upper back and neck exercises we show you! They work.
  • Start a sitting awareness campaign at your workplace. If more people at your work are aware, more people will be on board for making changes. The step counter challenges are the easiest to run.