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Myofascial Release Explained

Myofascial release is a manual technique, used to manipulate the fascia. The fascia surrounds all of the organs, muscles, and bones in the Healthy Body and can influence the positioning of the skeleton.

Myofascial release is a manual technique, used to manipulate the fascia. The fascia surrounds all of the organs, muscles, and bones in the Healthy Body and can influence the positioning of the skeleton.

The therapist uses their hands to apply various pressures to the fascia and follow its path in the Healthy Body. In response to the pressure, the Healthy Body releases the pull that the fascia has on surrounding structures. This release helps to relieve pain and improve postural alignment. 

Structural myofascial therapy aligns and balances the Healthy Body by lengthening and repositioning the fascia. As fascia is lengthened, it allows the Healthy Body to move more efficiently. The therapist applies pressure to the Healthy Body, working the entire fascial network in a systematic way. When the tension in restricted fascia is released, the Healthy Body can return to its structurally optimal position. 

Everyday stress, dehydration, repetitive use strain and immobility, trauma and injury, and the continuing pull of gravity will drag the Healthy Body out of its vertical alignment. The fascia gradually shortens, tightens, and adjusts to accommodate the misalignment. When the Healthy Body is out of alignment, it creates inefficiency and imbalance resulting in stiffness, discomfort, pain, and loss of energy. 

When a Healthy Body is aligned and balanced, it moves with greater ease. It requires less energy to function. Good posture is effortless and breathing is easier. The Healthy Body becomes more flexible and more coordinated and performance improves.