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How Osteopathy Can Help Your Headaches

Headaches can be caused by many, many different factors and conditions. The greatest benefit of osteopathic treatment will be getting to the root cause of the problem, which will be unique to each individual. The most common scenario is a client who has had headaches for years and has seen multiple, excellent, health care practitioners for treatment but nothing helped.

Headaches can be caused by many, many different factors and conditions. The greatest benefit of osteopathic treatment will be getting to the root cause of the problem, which will be unique to each individual. The most common scenario is a client who has had headaches for years and has seen multiple, excellent, health care practitioners for treatment but nothing helped.

The problem may be that the focus has been on the treating the head when the cause of a headache may be originating from somewhere else in the Healthy Body. For example, a pelvic lesion may affect the cranial base blocking blood flow and drainage from the head building pressure. The two ends of the spine are in a constant relationship and constantly compensate for each other, like two ends of a teeter-totter. Similarly, the toxicity of a congested liver or a hormone imbalance may at the root cause of a headache. Shoulder and neck tensions are other common causes.

Osteopathy is based on the foundational principle that the Healthy Body is a structural unit and all the components are interconnected on multiple layers and in a myriad of ways. Each component part affects the whole. For treatment to be effective, it is essential to address the root cause of the issue.