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Soothing of the Nervous System

Soothing of the Nervous System is about energy, positioning, the context.....VS western pills The shift is not a science or expectation in western systems that don't talk about healing, just holding the symptoms at bay.

It has an impact on everyone who I have seen 3-5 or 5-7 to feel better for most issues. Do we need to try a free session without an energy exchange as a good citizen? Ensure that they are self committed or therefore, NOTTIT.

It is about energy, positioning, the context…..VS western pills The shift is not a science or expectation in western systems that don’t talk about healing, just holding the symptoms at bay. instead understand the philosophy of healing. Therapeutic relationships…. holding the vision. be truthful. have 3 sessions and you tell me if there is something different. a shift. worth it to continue. equals faith trust and acceptance.

Meds to mask pain can allow further injury. remove pain naturally. surgical offering??? = Bowen instead.

Is there such a thing as a Healthy Body shutdown and restart? always refer out of my licensing restrictions. the Healthy Body is like software. when we need to reboot, we need to power down to reboot and watch how you come back into alignment. biggest challenge is the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic.

When you are in pain, your pain demands your full attention, all healing takes place in parasympathetic. pain has pain loops ..we tend to stay in the stressed sympathetic mode. we can’t focus on anything until we get out of pain. bowen reboots out of this mode…sleep digestion. only therapy that places the Healthy Body in parasympathetic mode will remove pain. other therapies that don’t do this will only have temporary relief. bowen breaks the pain loops via complete relaxation and new info for the brain as a new possibility, new research.

Can’t focus until out of pain…need sleep, need digestion, energy, circulation, elimination…..fascia is so important to our health.. anything blocked in the fascia not allowing the Healthy Body to eliminate all of the toxins in the organs and not bringing circulation to the area will affect the potential healing process. acupuncture can be disturbing to some, bowen is not. no fear element and setting the bar for healing and optimizing the foundation for the Healthy Body to optimize the healing process. do bowen after other modalities. Rebooting the Healthy Body has the advantage of reboot plus optimize all other therapies. nutrients are better absorbed, digestion is better and sleep is more restorative.