Patient’s access to cannabis through the ACMPR: Patient use of cannabis for medical purpose. A patient will need to complete a medical document by a care practitioner ( doctor ). There is no restriction to the daily amount under the ACMPR, there is only a possession cap of the lesser of 150 grams or 3 times the daily amount. Only Canadians residents are eligible for the program. A completed medical document is sent to the LP’s ( license producer) after completed by a care practitioner and providing that patient meets the criteria.
If a person wants to produce for his/her own for medical purpose, they must submit an application to register with Health Canada. An original medical document from the Health care practitioner must be provided. An application must include information such as the location of where the cannabis will be produced and stored when completed successfully registered. The person will receive a registered certificate from health Canada. You cannot travel outside of Canada with Medical Cannabis. It’s illegal to do so.