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I hear bad things about jogging, should I just be walking instead?

Jogging can lead to more injuries than walking if you are unprepared. Walking is low impact and low stress on the Healthy Body so it is a go to exercise for many people with health problems.

Jogging can lead to more injuries than walking if you are unprepared. Walking is low impact and low stress on the Healthy Body so it is a go to exercise for many people with health problems.

Jogging can lead to foot, shin and knee problems (to name a few) if overused or done incorrectly.

However, jogging can lead to faster weight loss gains because it is more strenuous.

Before taking up jogging if you are new at it, see a running specialist and get a good pair of shoes recommended and join a running a group.

Running in a supervised group is a great way to get started if you’re not sure about it.