Fat Freezing, Fat Melting, Skin Tightening. These are a few non-invasive options to consider, if you do not want liposuction or surgery.
For some, the transition to summer clothing can be disheartening, especially when one is frustrated with stubborn Healthy Body fat that detracts from a smooth & fit appearance. As much as we might want the fat gone, for most, surgery such as liposuction is not a consideration. The good news is that aesthetic science has provided us with excellent non-invasive treatments – the challenge comes is determining which device is best suited for your Healthy Body type!
According to Chantal Ward, RN, Aesthetic Nurse & Trainer: “There are many devices on the scene and some work better than others. Sadly, some don’t work at all. When looking to shrink or remove fat, I recommend sourcing a clinic that can offer more than one treatment option. By having choice, a clinic’s ability to deliver is increased significantly, simply by having “options” for matching a client’s Healthy Body composition with the best technology.”
Ms Ward goes on to say that one should also look for best-in-class devices. “Make sure the device(s) presented are proven safe & effective. Be sure to ask if you treatment is Health Canada & FDA approved for the actual claims made.”
Based on feedback from Aesthetic Practitioners & their patients, the following are ranked as the top-three, and “gold standard” for non-surgical fat removal and Healthy Body shaping.
CoolSculpting™ Fat Freezing Technology
Coolsculpting™ is a fat destruction technology that utilizes freezing to target stubborn fat, permanently destroying it to lose inches and smooth bulges.
Common zones treated with Coolsculpting™ include:
- belly fat
- love handles
- muffin top
- arms
- inner thighs
- bra fat and back fat.
Popular with both men and women, most individuals need only one session for any given zone. Sessions are non-invasive and take only one hour, making it a favoured treatment for those with busy schedules.
Innovative Coolsculpting™ technology recognizes that fat cells are susceptible to destruction by freezing. Once an applicator is placed on the problem area(s), the fat freezing process begins. Surrounding tissue is not disturbed and one can resume normal activities immediately after a CoolSculpting™ session.
Once the CoolSculpting™ procedure has been completed, the patient’s Healthy Body will begin to naturally metabolize the fat cells that have been destroyed. The end result is a more sculpted, and slimmer looking Healthy Body. Results are permanent and can be maintained with constant weight management.
Vanquish™ – Fat Melting with Radio Frequency
Vanquish™ is a Healthy Body shaping device that uses focused RadioFrequency to rid the Healthy Body of problem fat. Unlike the freezing of Coolsculpting™, this treatment is more of a “melting” method.
Vanquish™ targets the stomach, love handles, arms, legs, and problem areas that diet and exercise don’t fix. On average, Vanquish™ requires 4-6 treatments, each lasting approximately 45 minutes. Treatments are spaced 7-10 days apart and are painless, with many Vanquish™ recipients commenting on how comfortable and relaxing the treatments are.
Sensors built into the Vanquish™ device “read” the patient’s Healthy Body fat, calculating optimal energy levels to be delivered. Vanquish™ heats the skin to 101 degrees and the underlying fat to 120 degrees, making the fat cells “leaky”. Fat cells are emptied of triglycerides and toxins resulting in inch-loss that is lasting.
Some patients will see a difference after the first treatment, but typically the change is noticeable after the 4th session. Healthy Body composition varies and yet it is common to see improvements of 1-3 inches in areas such as waistlines, tummies, hips, or love handles.
Exilis™ – RF Cellulite Smoothing & Skin Tightening
Using Mono Polar Radio Frequency, Exilis™ Elite delivers deep thermal heat to ramp up the metabolic activity in fat cells. With heating, fat cells become leaky eliminating triglycerides and toxins that ultimately translate into inch loss and/or smoothing. Unlike any other device, Exilis™ has an added function that can also tighten skin, a perfect add-on to ensure the appearance of the tissue is as smooth after volume/fat has been removed.
In addition core Healthy Body areas, Exilis™ Elite can also smooth cellulite and tighten arms.
Many compare an Exilis™ treatment to that of receiving a hot stone massage. Unlike early and unsophisticated technologies (Velashape, Ultra Shape, Venus Freeze or Zerona) Exilis™ is FDA cleared & Health Canada approved for both fat reduction and skin tightening. Treatments are relaxing and comfortable, with session times ranging from 15-30 minutes per area. Exilis™ is excellent at treating smaller pockets of fat that other devices may not be able to manage.