I am a naturopathic doctor practicing in Vancouver, BC. My goal is to empower people through building knowledge about their health so they can better navigate through the transitions in their lives, whether that be their monthly cycle, post partum, menopause, or a stressful time.
I grew up next to a forest and with a vegetable garden in the backyard, so I have always had an appreciation of nature and nutrition. I was also the kid who only got healthy snacks and meals, and though I would drool over other kids' chocolate milk, fruit roll ups, and chips, that foundational paradigm led me on the path to today.
I first found out about naturopathic medicine in university while studying food science and nutrition. I knew there had to be more to healthcare than what the current mainstream medical model was offering and maybe this was it. I was having some long standing digestive and pelvic floor issues and it was finally through naturopathic medicine that I found movement and traction. I felt heard, understood and cared for beyond anything I had experienced before. It was empowering to learn about my body and my health. I was drawn in to this patient-centered and nature-based approach to healthcare and I wanted to bring it to others, so here I am.