Naturopathic medicine is holistic and broad-spectrum in its approach. For me, the joy of practicing naturopathic medicine is in playing detective to unearth the root cause behind the symptom, the diagnosis, or the disease. For example, anemia isn’t interesting – simply take iron and/or B vitamins to treat it – but why someone is anemic is interesting! Is it a lack of iron in their diet? Are they not absorbing iron well? Are they losing iron/blood somehow? And every answer comes with a new set of questions – why aren’t they absorbing iron? What needs to change to improve that? – that need to be answered in order to affect change at the deepest level with the greatest impact.
My goal as a naturopathic physician is to understand where you are at in your health now, and what is and isn’t working for you so that I can best tailor a plan for you to get you where you want to be. I’ve experienced the power of natural medicine first hand when I was in my early teens and I’d like to share it’s benefits to you as well.
In my practice I am looking for people who are motivated to feel good. I look for people who believe that feeling good is the norm and any deviation from that – any lack of vitality, or obstacle to doing what you love to do – is the pathology to be addressed. My best patients are those who are excited about the journey to optimal wellness and willing to show up, do the work, and reap the rewards.
There are techniques that I offer in which I take the reins and work to retrain and educate your body or mind to behave in a way that is in alignment with optimal health, energy, and your goals. Think of updating your computer or smartphone or an app – I support your system so that the work that you do (with diet, exercise, supplements, stress management, etc) really help and affect change.
And there will almost always be advice and information on what you can do on a day-to-day basis to get you where you want to go but sometimes we need help turning good intentions into action. I want you to feel empowered about your health, your focus, and making choices for your greatest good!
“Doctor” means “Teacher” and I love that role, although there are times when “Healer” will be a more appropriate role for me to take as we navigate the journey from here to there together.
Optimal health is so much more than disease prevention. I want you to be invested in and in control of your life. If you spend a lazy afternoon (or weekend!) lounging on a sofa I want that to be because you choose to do that, and not because you’re too tired to follow your dreams.
I am a naturopathic doctor determined to help you maximize your health potential and to feel AMAZING!