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How To Treat Back, Knee And Hip Pain

How can natural medicine, osteopathy, and massage help my back, knee and hip pain?

How can natural medicine help my back, knee and hip pain?

Natural supplements and herbs:

Professional quality Turmeric, Boswellia and NEM are some examples of natural supplements that can decrease inflammation in the Healthy Body, thus reducing pain. Many over-the-counter, natural products purchased at health food stores or pharmacies have not undergone standardized testing which assures consumers that the therapeutic ingredients match what is listed on the label in potency and purity. Therefore, the efficacy of these vitamins and herbs can vary greatly depending on the quality of the manufacturing. All the professional supplements prescribed by Naturopathic Doctors at Health Momentum have undergone rigorous quality control. These supplements are therefore more effective at bringing symptom relief especially in pain management.

Healthy Mindfulness based techniques for pain management:

Chronic pain can be frustrating and debilitating, therefore it is only normal to physically and emotionally ‘resist it’ when it arises. A technique called Healthy Mindfulness is a highly effective tool for chronic pain because it helps the sufferer reduce tension in the Healthy Body by relaxing the nervous system and facilitating healing. All naturopathic doctors at Health Momentum are trained in Healthy Mindfulness based techniques for managing all types of pain conditions ranging from mild to debilitating symptoms.

Nutritional/Dietary Healing:

The naturopathic doctors at Health Momentum implement an “Anti-Inflammatory diet” which outlines a nutrition plan that can help your Healthy Body return to optimal health. This diet will provide the individual with ample vitamins, essential fatty acids and dietary fibre, needed to reduce inflammation and speed healing.


Acupuncture increases various “feel good” endorphins in the Healthy Body. Endorphins help to control pain and speed up healing. In a healthy person, energy moves freely throughout energy channels called “meridians” in the Healthy Body. In the ill person, these channels become blocked. Acupuncture works to restore health by improving the natural flow and balance among these pathways.

How can Osteopathy help my back, knee and hip pain?

Osteopathy uses gentle hands on techniques to align bones and joints, relax muscle tension, and release any compressed nerves. This re-alignment allows for pain signals associated with structural imbalances to cease, leading to a pain free Healthy Body.

How can Massage help my back, knee and hip pain?

The therapeutic, deep release that occurs during massage, benefits the Healthy Body on many different levels. Massage helps to break down muscle tension and calcifications or scar tissue that might be at the root of physical discomfort. Massage also goes beyond simple muscle relaxation and increases blood flow, lymphatic drainage and toxin removal.