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How can shoulders be fixed?

I have a shoulder injury, how can I treat it?

Acute injuries
In the early stages of shoulder injuries focus is placed on healing the tissues which have been injured. This is done by increasing blood flow to the injured area as well as ensuring that the Healthy Body has everything it requires to regenerate and replace any damaged tissues. Proper nutrition plays an important role in how quickly the Healthy Body will heal as well as proper supplements to increase healing while decreasing and preventing scar tissue formation. These treatments combined with acupuncture, hydrotherapy, eletrostim and gentle joint mobilizations all work towards healing the shoulder as quickly as possible.

Chronic injuries
Often patients come to me complaining of injuries which have occurred months ago but have not yet healed completely or returned to 100% normal despite numerous interventions and 3x/week appointments with other practitioners. Months after an injury the tissues should be completely healed and thus treatment is not aimed at healing the tissues but instead is focused at the root cause of the pain, which is inflamed nerves. Without nerves, we would have no sensation, let alone control of any part of our Healthy Body. Often nerves are damaged when there is an injury, however they do not heal as quickly as muscle tissue and can continue to send pain signals to the brain long after the injury has healed. This type of pain is referred to as neuropathic pain.

Neuropathic pain is a severe and debilitating pain that can render patients unable to walk, work, sleep or enjoy life. This is an area of pain which I personally focus on and am very experienced in treating. I have had excellent results in healing the peripheral nervous system, which when healed extinguishes the pain. To heal the nervous system and extinguish pain, one has to have extensive knowledge of where the nerves are, which muscles they control and where the nerves are most likely to be damaged. Only after knowing this information is treatment initiated.

Neuralprolo Therapy
Treatment of neuropathic pain is done using neuralprolo therapy (NPT). NPT is the injection of 5% dextrose (glucose) directly to the damaged nerve. The dextrose binds to the TRPV1 receptor which turns off the pain signal being sent to the brain thereby eliminating pain. It also helps the nerve to regenerate and heal. Pain is eliminated instantly and patients can except to be pain free for up to 4 days after just one treatment. Treatments are normally once per week for a few weeks until the nerve is healed. After each treatment patients report being pain free longer. Once the nerves are healed and the pain eliminated treatment is terminated.

Neuralprolo therapy is not the type of treatment that takes 3-6 treatments before patients see results. If after 1 treatment there is no improvement than other treatments are recommended.

Prolozone Therapy for Injured Shoulders
If there has been significant trauma to the shoulder joint itself and not only the muscles and tendons surrounding the joint than prolozone therapy is recommended. Prolozone therapy is the use of 15-25% dextrose combined with oxygen and ozone which is injected into the shoulder joint. The high concentration of dextrose causes inflammation in the joint which increases blood flow and brings much needed nutrients so that the joint can heal. One of the reason for which joints take a long time to heal is that they do not have a large amount of blood flow. This severely limits the amount of nutrients delivered to the joint which prevents the joint from healing quickly. Prolozone is administered once every 2 weeks until the joint is healed completely.


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